C&D Engineering Consultants
C&D Engineering Consultants continues to be one of the market-leading demolition consultancies not only in the UK but also worldwide. Our hard work has culminated in many awards, commendations and recently winning the World Demolition Awards 2019 for explosive demolition. We’ve also been shortlisted in 2016 and 2017 as well as winning World Demolition Awards in 2015 for top-down demolition.

Our team has over 30 years experience in the demolition industry and we continue to invest in our business and staff with the culmination of two demolition masters degrees being awarded to our senior engineers.
This knowledge allows us to tackle the most challenging projects as well as give lectures internationally. Our senior engineers have lectured throughout the world including Miami, Prague, Dublin, Turkey, Gibraltar and throughout the United Kingdom.
Our team has over 30 years experience in the demolition industry and we continue to invest in our business and staff with the culmination of two demolition masters degrees being awarded to our senior engineers.
This knowledge allows us to tackle the most challenging projects as well as give lectures internationally. Our senior engineers have lectured throughout the world including Miami, Prague, Dublin, Turkey, Gibraltar and throughout the United Kingdom.

Our Approach
A key part of C&D’s role is helping clients gain a greater understanding of the demolition process. A good example of this is the care taken when helping design an ‘exclusion zone’ prior to the controlled explosive demolition of a tower block.
C&D Engineering Consultants help to implement BS:6187-2011 which is the code of practice for full and partial demolition. We aim to help clients understand the management of the demolition process for maintaining structural stability through the use of temporary works where required.
We enable clients to establish responsibilities during all phases of the demolition process, along with managing the environmental issues and health and safety hazards. Our role to the client through the use of BS:6187-2011, is the recommendations for methods of, and techniques for, demolition and partial demolition, through the use of traditional and innovative methods.
The British Standard prescribes an exclusion zone but beyond the zone is the presence of neighbouring houses, underground services, railway lines, roads, rivers or other potential obstructions – all key considerations.
When we walk an exclusion zone ‘perimeter’ with a client, it often takes several hours, because as a team, we understand the key considerations such as, road diversions, rail closures, evacuation with relocation of people and their pets, air traffic control concerns, police support on the ground and in the air and perimeter security. There are so many things that need to be considered, prior to a demolition contractor starting on the site.
“The demolition or dismantling of a structure must be planned and carried out in such a manner as to prevent danger or, where it is not practicable to prevent it to reduce danger to as low a level as is reasonably practicable. The arrangements for carrying out such demolition or dismantling must be recorded in writing before the demoliton or dismantling work begins.”
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